Stop Skavica

Stop Skavica

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About “Opposition to Skavica Dam”

Contact info for “Opposition to Skavica Dam” NGO

Telephon: +355696752775

Mission: The purpose of the organization “Opposition to Skavica Dam” is to raise public awareness against the construction of the Skavica HPP and similar HPPs in the district of Dibra, lobbying in the framework of the protection of nature, flora, fauna, habitat, the protection of heritage, history, culture, tradition and the rights of Dibra residents who are directly and indirectly affected by the Skavica HPP construction project and similar HPPs in the district of Dibra, starting from the border with North Macedonia to the beginning of the Fierze dam, the untouched part of the river Drin from hydropower plants. This association aims to protect the population below the designed dam in Skavice.

Mision: Organizata “Kundershtimi ndaj ndertimit diges se Skavices” ka si qellim te saj ndergjegjesimin e opinionit public kunder ndertimit te HEC Skavica dhe HEC-ve te ngjashme ne qarkun e Dibres, lobimin ne kuader te mbrojtjes se natyres, flores, faunes, habitatit, mbrojtjen e trashegimise, historise, kultures, tradites dhe te drejtave te dibraneve qe preken drejtperdrejt dhe ne menyre indirekte nga projekti I ndertimit te HEC Skavica dhe HEC-ve te ngjashme ne qarkun e Dibres, duke filluar nga kufiri me Maqedonine e Veriut deri te fillimi I diges se Fierzes, pjesa e paprekur e lumit Drin nga hidrocentralet. Kjo shoqate synon mbrojtjen e popullsise poshte diges se projektuar te Skavices.

Kontaktoni “Kundershtimi ndaj Diges se Skavices” 

Telephon: +355696752775



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The movement "Opposition to Skavica Dam", "Opposition to the construction of the Skavica Project" has been approved, legitimized by the Court of Tirana, as a popular movement to oppose the construction of Skavica, and aims to protect Dibra. I invite all Dibras to be part of this movement, all-popular, united more than ever. Please contact us with the following information: **email: ** cell: 0696752775 **With respect, ** Ferzileta Gjika