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Month: May 2024

Njoftim per Shtyp: Keshilli bashkiak Diber firmos Rezoluten Kunder Ndertimit te Skavices!

27 Maj, 2024 Diber Njoftimi për shtyp Më datë 22.05.2024, me numër protokolli 1865, i është dorëzuar Bashkisë Dibër një vendim qarkullues në formë rezolute kundër projektit të hidrocentralit Skavice. Kjo rezolutë, të cilën e gjeni bashkëngjitur, është prezantuar më…

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Press Release regarding resolution signed from members of Municipality od Dibra, against Skavica HPP,

  May 24, 2024 Diber, Albania Press release On 22.05.2024, with protocol number 1865, a circular decision in the form of a resolution against the Skavice hydropower plant project was submitted to Diber Municipality. This resolution, which you can find…

Press Release: Majority of members of Dibra Municipality Signed resolution against HPP Skavica

May 24th, 2024 Press release Opposition to Skavica Dam +355 696752775                                   On 22.05.2024, with protocol number 1865, a circular decision in the…

Aprovohet ne Keshilin Bashkiak Diber rezoluta kunder ndertimit te Skavices

23 MAJ, 2023 DRITE SHPRESE PER DIBREN: Me shume se gjysma e keshilltareve Diber, votojne te gjitha pikat e Rezolutes Kunder ndertimit te Skavices. AUTOR: Ferzileta Gjika Kundershtimi ndaj Diges se Skavices Ceshtja e mbrojtes se Dibres qendron mbi Politiken….

Resolution against HEC Skavica signed from members of Municipality of Dibra

Resolution Municipality of Dibra meeting regarding Resolution and more.  We believe that the Skavica hydropower project (HEC Skavica) causes irreparable social and environmental consequences, while this project does not serve to solve the problem of the electricity sector, but only…