Stop Skavica

Stop Skavica

Month: April 2023

About us Activities Protests

Levizja mbarepopullore OPPOSITION TO SKAVICA DAM/”KUNDERSHTIMI NDAJ DIGES SE SKAVICES” Proteston ne Londer, 20 Tetor, 2022 Edhe njeher per dibren! Levizja mbarepopullore OPPOSITION TO SKAVICA DAM/”KUNDERSHTIMI NDAJ DIGES SE SKAVICES” Proteston ne Londer, 20 Tetor, 2022 Gezim Bitri 20 Tetor,…

About us Collaboration Contact Us Donate Get Involved Volunteer

Contact us: email: Telefon: +355696752775

Please contact us email:                                                                         …

About us Contact Us Volunteer

About “Opposition to Skavica Dam”

Contact info for “Opposition to Skavica Dam” NGO email:                                                               …


We protect Drin River and defend the rights of Dibran community that depend on it.

Lumi Drin i Zi, echte nje lum me rrjedhje te lire, ku shtrirja e ekosistemeve te disa lumenjve te vegjel si lumi Seta, lumi Murra, Lumi Veleshica qe i bashkohen Lumit Drin i Zi, e bejne me te pasur jeten…