Is our lovely bird “Thelleza e Malit” becoming an extinct specie?
We must act now! Stop Skavica Dam! Save Drin River!
Ferzileta Gjika
The “mountain partridge” known as “Thelleza e Malit” is a bird that grows in the Drin River Valley and is known with the scientific name as Alectoris Graeca. This very special and beautiful bird is in danger of extinction because of the threat of habitat change (environmental conditions) from the construction of HPP Skavica, and climate change in the country.
“Thelleza e Malit” grows in the oak area, in low river valley areas. They do not tolerate cold more than 15 degrees Celsius. Hunting is banned because it is on the verge of extinction. “Thelleza e Malit” lacks a suitable ecosystem, such as the use of pesticides, leaving barren lands without irrigation, urbanization, with new constructions, and mismanagement of old factories that pollute the environment.
“Thelleza e Malit”, this rare bird grows in the region of Diber, Albania, and is in danger of extinction, because of climate change and habitat from the construction of HPP Skavica. We must act now to save these special species, save our environment from methane gases, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide caused from building of Large Dams in the area. We must say Stop Skavica! Save “Thelleza e Malit”, Save Drin River! Please join me in this call.