Stop Skavica

Stop Skavica

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Levizja mbarepopullore OPPOSITION TO SKAVICA DAM/”KUNDERSHTIMI NDAJ DIGES SE SKAVICES” Proteston ne Londer, 20 Tetor, 2022 Edhe njeher per dibren! Levizja mbarepopullore OPPOSITION TO SKAVICA DAM/”KUNDERSHTIMI NDAJ DIGES SE SKAVICES” Proteston ne Londer, 20 Tetor, 2022 Gezim Bitri 20 Tetor,…

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About “Opposition to Skavica Dam”

Contact info for “Opposition to Skavica Dam” NGO email:                                                               …


We protect Drin River and defend the rights of Dibran community that depend on it.

Lumi Drin i Zi, echte nje lum me rrjedhje te lire, ku shtrirja e ekosistemeve te disa lumenjve te vegjel si lumi Seta, lumi Murra, Lumi Veleshica qe i bashkohen Lumit Drin i Zi, e bejne me te pasur jeten…


Protest in front of United Nations NYC March 23rd, 2023

Stop Skavica Dam Protest “Save Drin River, Save Dibra” March 23rd, 2023 NYC UN HQ The American diaspora in New York protests “Save Drin River, Save Dibra”Ferzileta GhikaNew York, March 23, 2023 – Dozens of Albanian-Americans under the leadership of…


Protest in front of United Nation Albanian National Anthem sang from George Xhumari

hymni kombtar 23 Mars, 2023 Diaspora Amerikane Proteston. Atdhetari nga Tirana me origjine nga Kavaja George Xhumarikendon hymnin kombetar ne kete proteste. Ne kete proteste pervecse dibrane, kishte dhe shqiptare nga qytete te ndryshme te Shqiperise, si Gjirokastra, Tepelena, Berati,…